You can find hope and courage to advance your life

Therapy in Kennesaw, Georgia

Call for a free 20-minute consultation

Things are just not working right for you.

Alone, depressed, in a chaotic relationship – some days it feels like all these.

Other days, it feels like just a lot of stress and anxiety. Those aren’t any fun either.

Wondering how you got to this place, fear of failure, anxiety about the future, and inability to focus on things that matter – that’s how you go to sleep at night. Mulling over and over how, why, what should you do… without answers.

I have tried to manage everything on my own.

I am feeling frustrated emotionally and physically drained.

My life as a veteran has brought issues I didn’t expect.

As an athlete, I want to be at my optimum – and that requires sleep (without aids!).

I am afraid to navigate complex systems that could benefit me and my overall well-being. I have no one to support me – where do I turn?

No matter the challenges and the pains you are experiencing at present, you are at the right place.

I’ve walked in your shoes – I know I can help you find a better place.

These challenges may become the stepping stones to success, healing, and wholeness.

I can help you identify the core of your challenges and equip you with proven tools and skills to change your life.

Together, we will figure out negative thoughts holding you back and manage the stressors without increasing pain or worries.

You can make it; you can become an inspiration to someone else. Hope and determination to change your circumstances are key.

Time to Smile and Laugh Genuinely Again

This is a new day and time to try something you never have tried before.

This is an opportunity for you to vote for yourself. Be your own referee. Cheer yourself to victory.

Call (470) 637-6615 for an appointment, so we can get started right away.

Please call me now, and let’s talk

Hi, I’m Comfort.

Welcome to the opportunity to grow into your life!

I stumbled into my current career through being open to what might be possible. That is what I would ask of you. Be open to possibilities. We can find your best path.

Today I am privileged to be a Clinical Licensed Social Worker/ Therapist. But it had not always been so.

Check out my story here:

More About Me

The book of wisdom written by Solomon in Proverbs 17:22 –

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bone.”

By implication, if you remain depressed and anxious, you are more likely to be sick mentally and physically. No; don’t do that to yourself. Get up and take action.

Arise and Shine

Call (470) 637-6615 for an appointment.

Let’s Talk